Adapting to Tech Adoption: The Difficulties of Change

Anybody who’s ever acquired a new software or piece of technology knows that the real work comes in when it’s time to roll out the tech to the wider business, and nobody wants to use it. Thankfully, an effective change management strategy can help your employees learn to adapt to and accept a brand-new way of working.


To achieve this, your plan must address the psychological aspects of change to help to promote cooperation and practical learning instead of discouraging resistance.

Know the Types of Change

Being aware of the types of change your employees may have difficulty with will help to map out the different approaches to changing behaviours; this can help you to create a framework within which to enact changes.


It’s also an opportunity to put in place measures to help overcome the resistance and impasse your employees may have, so they can gain the benefits you desire.

Define Your Tech Adoption Plan

Once you have a clear idea of how you plan to deal with the change, it’s time to define the specific steps in the implementation process; this will help you understand the best way to incorporate the changes and keep things moving so that you have the required time to complete the task.

Define the Goals of the Plan

The next thing to consider is the primary objectives of the plan. By defining goals, you can track the success of the implementation and evaluate the results you’re getting from the process. Remember, reviewing your goals is just as important as setting them so make sure to regularly revise them for maximum effectiveness.

Consider Employee Involvement

Involving your employees at every stage of the change process is essential. Even if they do not see themselves as change agents, making some meaningful improvements is still possible. This can be done by promoting peer-to-peer training, upskilling, and even by celebrating employees making an effort to adopt the technology.

What are the leading causes of employee resistance?

Employees resist change for various reasons, but you can address the most common causes effectively by identifying them early.


By understanding the resistance, you can create a new way of working that allows your employees to adapt to the change and reap the benefits.


Most employees are reluctant to make changes due to concerns over making mistakes, feeling intimidated or worried about the technology used. At the same time, employees often fear the loss of personal freedom due to making the change.


Sometimes, just recognising the problem can help you change how you work, which is an excellent way to manage employee resistance as it allows you to plan a solution for the challenges that may arise effectively.


Remember, everyone’s different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.


For example, one employee may be reluctant to join an online meeting, fearing that they won’t understand what’s said, whereas the second worries about their data privacy.

By showing them that you understand their concerns and are addressing them, you can encourage them to be more open to change. They may even benefit from knowing that others have experienced similar challenges and have made the transition successfully.


By displaying an understanding of how the change will impact each individual’s life, they are more likely to see it as something positive rather than something they will have to deal with.


Additionally, making the employees aware of their own actions and showing them how they can take steps to address the problem will also help with ensuring they embrace the change.

Miscommunication as a Cause of Resistance

One of the biggest causes of resistance is communication; often employees are unaware of the reasons behind a change and consequently have difficulty responding appropriately or effectively.


This can be particularly true if they are not involved in the decision-making process, as these situations often leave employees feeling frustrated.


Many of us are used to getting information in specific ways, including through newsletters sent directly to us via email but communicating in this way isn’t always possible; especially for large businesses or those undergoing a drastic change.

How to effectively communicate changes to employees

It’s important to understand that communication is about healthy professional relationships. Communicating well is impossible when you don’t have the right relationship with your employees.


When discussing change with employees, it’s essential to consider all possible options. In some cases, sharing the changes in the company’s intranet will allow you to communicate the changes in a transparent way that all employees can understand.


Another option would be to communicate directly to your employees using emails, social media or other media. Remember, you can do it in whichever way you find the most effective, depending on the specific situation.


However, it is also possible that it may not work for every employee and therefore it’s always a good idea to talk to your employees and get their feedback to ensure that the change is as effective as possible.

Fear of Change as a Cause of Resistance

It may take time for your employees to get used to the changes as it can be difficult for employees to understand why the change is being made, so you must give them some reassurance to help to ease their fears and make the process much smoother.


One way to do this is by offering employees the chance to meet up with the team leading the change, ask questions, and have an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have.


With that in mind, remember to focus on the benefits rather than the potential negative impacts a change might have on a particular individual.

Minimal or No Training

Learning new techniques, procedures and systems can be very challenging, so you must provide employees with the training they need to transition to the new system you have introduced.


Ongoing support, leadership, and training are crucial for any successful change, especially if you want to avoid adoptive issues when transitioning.

Lack of Planning

An unclear vision means a lack of stability, safety, and security when it comes to implementing the changes. Without a clear outline of the change and its goals, employees may feel overwhelmed and unable to give their total effort.


For this reason, it’s vital that you effectively communicate your plans and goals to your employees in an organised way that they understand and can contribute to.

Supportive Environment

Having the right attitude and mindset towards change will go a long way in ensuring your transition is successful. Designate people in the company to support the changes made and actively encourage your employees to adopt them. You can make changes with the backing of your employees, but without it, it may not be easy to overcome obstacles that can come up.

Which Tech Adoption Strategy Is Right for You?

Consider your business’ position and where your team currently stands. Is the change in line with the current strategy but most importantly, is there a need for the change? If so, do you have the resources to scale, and are your employees prepared and ready for the change?


Is the change in line with the current strategy but most importantly, is there a need for the change?


If your answer is yes, then so is ours…